Nov. 20, 2023


Program, Yaratıcı Kodlama, Grafk Sanatlar, Yapay Zeka, NFT/Krpto Sanatı, Metaverse, Deneysel Medya, Grşmclk, Pazarlama ve ötesn kapsayan lg alanlarına sahp, yen başlayanlardan deneyml djtal ve medya sanatı profesyonellerne kadar çok çeştl br zleyc ktlesn barındırmaktadır. 4 Modülden oluşan programda her modül belrl br ana konuya ayrılarak temel blgden uzmanlık uzmanlığına kadar kapsamlı br öğrenme yolculuğuna olanak sağlıyor. Modüllern çerğ, CRU Creatve Hub tarafından kolaylaştırılan Porto'dak Dg-Art Buluşması ve KOBİ Röportajları da dahl olmak üzere çeştl Dg-Art Projes grşmlernden elde edlen bulguları çermektedr. Kapsamlı araştırmalarla brleştrlen bu materyal, farklı yeterllk sevyelerndek djtal sanat profesyonellernn ve meraklılarının farklı gereksnmlern karşılar.



How might we address the challenges and discover innovative solutions in the field of Artistic & Creative Entrepreneurship?

Speakers: …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we foster vibrant communities and create meaningful engagement within the digital art realm to connect artists, audiences, and …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we use storytelling techniques to craft compelling narratives around digital art?

Speakers: Ida Saani, Bayan Dahdah

Moderator: …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we enhance funding accessibility and support for digital artists while addressing the challenges they face in securing grants …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we protect the intellectual property rights of digital artists, especially in the context of easily replicable and shareable …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we create a framework that ensures the responsible curation and sustainable exhibition of digital art, promoting ethical practices …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we navigate and address social & cultural considerations to ensure responsible and culturally sensitive practices in the realm …

Nov. 19, 2023


How might we balance the preservation of traditional artistic techniques with the integration of emerging technologies to maintain the …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we explore and implement innovative production methodologies to push the boundaries of creation in the realm of digital …

Nov. 19, 2023

How might we effectively anticipate and adapt to emerging trends in the ever-evolving landscape of digital art?

Speaker: Rolando Cedeño …

Nov. 19, 2023

In the opening circle, attendees come together to introduce themselves and foster connections with one another through some icebreaker activities. …

Nov. 19, 2023

O programa acomoda um público diversificado, desde iniciantes até profissionais experientes de arte digital e de mídia, com interesses …

Nov. 20, 2023

Le programme s'adresse à un public diversifié, allant des débutants aux professionnels chevronnés de l'art numérique et des médias, …

Nov. 20, 2023

The program accommodates a diverse audience, ranging from beginners to seasoned digital and media art professionals, with interests spanning …

Nov. 21, 2023